TB Voices Project for Snohomish and King County, Washington

28 people from across Snohomish and King County shared their tuberculosis (TB) experiences through the TB Voices Project in 2013.  Their stories are personal, inspiring, and educational for the entire community. 

The TB Voices Project documented individuals'  TB experience using photos, video/voice recordings, and/or their written story.  The goal of the TB Voices Project is to uncover and discover past- present tuberculosis experiences from residents in Washington State, so as to better understand current TB realities; provide community TB education and awareness; and help support persons impacted by TB.

TB Voices Project stories are being shared on this website and at community education opportunities/events throughout the state. TB Voices Project is also sharing participants' perspectives as a collective with TB health providers, decision makers, and the public to create a more compassionate and supportive community for those currently affected by TB.

Older generations may view TB with only negative thoughts such as fear, isolation, and death. The TB Voices Project participants share how we can now prevent, treat, and cure TB, but also highlight that we must provide positive support to those with TB, and fight against the TB stigma that lingers in most cultures. Today, we can make the realities of TB different from the past.

 TB is no longer at epidemic levels in the Northwest but we are still managing this disease in every state across the U.S. TB has not gone away, but there is hope and a cure.







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