11 Days Until World TB Day

Well rested and ready to field calls from the media, work on my presentation for Seattle's Town Hall and Washington State TB program. What we have accomplished is finally being sent out to the community, and for this I am so grateful.  We wanted to raise awareness about TB and to honor the stories of persons impacted by TB.  It is happening!  We are also going to educate our elected officials about supporting national TB efforts.  In the final 2014 omnibus spending bill, funding for domestic TB control was cut back to fiscal 2005 year levels. This funding cut is leaving communities vulnerable to outbreaks of drug resistant TB, which is very expensive and complicated to treat. The TB Voices Project has the potential to truly work at multiple levels to help eliminate TB.  The more we share our stories with the community and to those who hold the purse strings, the more educated we will be to respond and manage this disease.